Author Archives: Arlan

Triumph of the Light

When I moved into this apartment I bought one $17 lamp. I brought none with me. Most rooms had installed lights, but two did not, including the bedroom. That’s where I orginally used my one lamp. Eventually I decided it was a little too pathetic to light the room, and I wanted a light in my other room, so I Read More

Bad: Bible Twister

In the game of Twister, there’s a mat with rows of different colored spots and you must place the specified hand or foot on a dot of the specified color. In most cases of Bible teaching, you have to touch on a series of verses: Romans 2:11! Ephesians 5:1! Leviticus 20:4! Now make a sermon out of those verses! You Read More

Bad: Something for all ages!

The word of God does not need to be made relevant in order to reach a people or generation. The word of God is living. Introduced to the Word, and allowed to interact with the Word, beleivers will reach personal revelations by the Holy Spirit. What separates the people of God, what segregates them by age and culture, are the Read More

Good: Bibles provided

How can a Protestant church put a hymnal and the book of common prayer in the pew, but not the Bible?