Category Archives: Quote Me


Sometimes the only thing that could be worse than getting what we asked for is getting what we deserve. Praise the Lord, all ye his saints.

Not a Low Sodium Food

The trouble with moral fiber is that it gets stuck between your teeth.

Easy Society

Since casting off the bondage of Victorian society with all its repressive rules and conventions, we have gradually liberated human expression until today there are only three simple rules of our egalitarian society: There are no rules. Do not ask about the rules. Do not talk about the rules.

Or take your pick

I should add to my previous post that I will probably be remembered at that site for a different quote altogether. Aforementioned kindly old manager began a piece of his own advice by saying, “Life is like a cotton field… ,” whereupon I chimed in: “The question is: are you the cotton-picker, the cotton ball, or the boll-weevil?” Rachel, ate Read More