Category Archives: Theological

Not qualified

That’s it. R. C. Sproul is officially not a philosopher. He continues to demonstrate an inability to understand what other people are saying just because he doesn’t agree with it. In Sproul’s rendition, Immanuel Kant taught that knowledge comes from experiences and experiences come through our senses, so that our knowledge is limited by what our senses are capable of. Read More

Sacrificing first principles for first priorities

It’s happening. The enemy is getting in the back gate. From the day I set foot out of my parent’s house I have been telling myself to remember my priorities in life; not to get caught up in things that don’t matter when they are over. Remember to do the things you be pleased that you did later, when the Read More

A Marriage of Conquest

Today I read this disturbing call to marriage (Hat Tip Hip And Thigh). Elysse Barrett writes from and to my “Christian, conservative, homeschooling” circle and, in my judgment, accurately represents our subculture’s gestalt–both its behavior and its self-criticism. The priority behind this essay, and much of the talk in my crowd, is the (re)establishment and preservation of culture, worked out Read More

Nothing Good Can Come Of It

Having a low view right now of the prospects for my current company and for my potential to develop into any interesting roles within this company. Having an itch to walk away from it and find somebody who knows what they are doing and cares enough to do it right–not just successfully making money, but doing what should be done. Read More