Category Archives: Church Signs

Unity is not fear of separation

I made some comments on Alan Knox’s blog that captured most of what I wanted to say following yesterday’s post here.

Return to Church

In the conventional history of Christianity, first their were Catholics and then there were Protestants. The Protestants are just now giving way, but whether they have surrendered to the Humanists or to the Emergents we cannot yet say. However, the conventional history ignores the Greek Orthodox, fails to consider the indefinable rabble of Christianity before it got organized, and won’t Read More


A couple of links I may want to revisit with commentary later, saved for myself right here on my own blog: Brant: Will God Protect My Kids? and Breakfast and Honesty. Matthew Paul Turner: Spiritual Abuse Must Stop (with the two part story linked in the lead).

Against the Bad and For the Good!

Arthur Sido of Crying Out in Suburbia has a good commentary on the lastest Christian popular sensation. The video itself didn’t strike me as controversial at all, at least against the American cultural values overall. Everybody loves Jesus, nobody wants a preacher telling them what to do, and that’s all you have to agree with to like the video. The author probably Read More