Category Archives: Elsewhere

“The same force that drives people to slot machines is what drives me to my computer”

I identified with a lot of this self-diagnosis.

Presented at Searching Together 2009 conference

Searching Together holds an annual conference. These days it is usually in St. Croix Falls, WI, late in July. I went last year and talked too much. This year I talked too much and then read off this paper I wrote just for the occasion. Some people liked it so I feel the need to point out I got a Read More


The migration seems to have completed just fine…on Tuesday. I am a little late mentioning that there is no need to panic.

No Diving

I am currently active on the Reforming Pilgrims board as kabloomie. I am speaking up on every topic I can so that the depth of my wisdom will quickly become apparent, and nobody will be misled.